To understand the “State of Sustainability,” IMCD Industrial Solutions needed to survey customers about eight sustainability areas. See how Cali-Xie Marketing Analytics can take a business from customer survey to finished report.

IMCD Industrial solutions

Sustainability Survey and Report

To understand the “State of Sustainability,” IMCD Industrial Solutions needed to survey customers about eight sustainability areas.

“Rachel was a true partner in this project, and helped me adapt my drafted questions to maximize the usefulness of the data. Cali-Xie Marketing Analytics has become a go-to partner for survey projects.”

Kathryn Nuckolls

Global Marketing Manager, Industrial Solutions

IMCD Group

The Challenge

The Solution

This 63-question survey, which was produced in 9 languages, was sent to a wide-ranging sample of IMCD clients and generated responses from 25 countries. From these data, Cali-Xie Marketing Analytics and IMCD generated one overarching report and eight subject area reports.  

Each report explores the rates at which businesses have adopted or plan to adopt sustainable practices in a given category, their chief drivers of and barriers to the use of sustainable materials and practices, and more. Findings are further broken down by region, company size, and industrial sector, and paired with commentary from IMCD’s subject-matter experts.

In order to share the findings as widely as possible, IMCD Industrial Solutions published both PDF and online versions of all nine reports, and will promote the reports on internal and external social media throughout 2024. Report findings also continue to inform IMCD articles and industry commentary. In this way, the project will keep sustainability progress and goals in the industry top-of-mind for employees, customers, and followers.